Food Italy

The ancient Greeks lived and dined more lavishly in Calabria than in any other part of Magna Græcia. But the mountainous toe of the Italian boot remained isolated and poor for centuries after, as its cooking took on the tasty integrity of a country tradition.

Calabria is famed for having the spiciest food in Italy and it is packed with flavour. Good old fashioned Italian food just as Mama used to make, in a region where glorious sunshine and a fine climate undoubtedly help the Calabrese people to cultivate superb fresh produce. Bright red chillies, polished green peppers and red onions are often seen hanging in shops before finding their way into tasty local recipes passed down through the generations.

The food here is both lively and exquisite. A spicy meat sausage called Ndjua is a firm favourite among locals and often served in pasta sauces. Sagna Chine is a delicious lasagne with artichoke and meatballs and another preferred dish is Zuppa di Cipolle an onion soup with Italian brandy. Pasta All’arrabbiata, roughly translated as angry pasta, so called due to its hot, spicy, pepper packed tomato sauce.

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