Legalities Turkey

General buying process

After paying the initial deposit, your lawyer will carry out title checks. A contract will be drawn up between the seller and the purchaser. This will give details of the completion date, payment schedule and terms and conditions. When this is signed by all parties, the deposit is paid. You then apply for security clearance to allow you to own a property in Turkey,  this will often be applied for by the developer.

You can sign a power of attorney to conclude all the necessary paperwork if your circumstances require it.

Required documents

  • Your passport(s), which will be copied and translated into Turkish
  • Passport sized photographs.

The notary’s office works in conjunction with the Title Deeds office and the Aegean Army. The translated documents will be checked by the Army to ensure there is no record of criminal intent or activity against Turkey and that any property being purchased by a foreigner is not in the proximity to or intended to be used for any military purposes.

After the necessary permission to purchase has been received your lawyer will carry out pre-completion checks. Following this, you or your Power of Attorney will sign a deed of transfer in front of an officer of the Land Registry, who then records you as the official owner of the property. The property tax is paid at this stage.

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