Is a bunk bed for kids a good idea?

Is a bunk bed for kids a good idea?

Many children dream of a bunk bed and it is no wonder. Children love to sleep on a bunk bed, because sleeping at a height seems like a great attraction! In addition, a bunk bed is a piece of furniture that is a practical solution, as it allows you to save some space in the room shared by siblings. However, parent sometimes have a little doubt as to whether a bunk bed is a good idea. Therefore, in this article we show you what are the arguments for it, to decide on such a solution.

Advantages of bunk beds

For children, a bunk bed is seen as another source of entertainment. The youngest, when thinking about a bunk bed, see something like a playground or a tree house. Adults, on the other hand, see it a bit differently. They are not sure that sleeping on a bunk bed is completely safe.

Undoubtedly, a bunk bed is a practical solution. If two children occupy one room, placing two separate beds is often a problem due to lack of space. A bunk bed makes it much easier to arrange a child’s room. Some parents choose to have their siblings sleep in the same bed. However, this solution is not a good compromise as it simply does not provide the appropriate personal space that each of us needs.

Of course, buying a bunk bed is not just a sibling solution. An equally interesting solution are bunk beds with a sleeping place upstairs and a free space downstairs. Usually, the free space serves as a place for a desk or a cupboard, which is a very practical solution that allows you to arrange even the smallest room in an interesting way.

Please note that bunk beds available on the market are completely safe. Parents concerns about safety are in most cases unfounded. Just make sure that the bed has strong safety rails and stable rungs that allow you to climb up. Falling out of a bunk bed at night while sleeping is a situation that practically does not happen, even though so many parents fear it.

Disadvantages of bunk beds

There aren’t many arguments against bunk beds. Some people argue that changing sheets on the top bed is less convenient. However, this is a rather small problem, because in fact everyone can handle the exchange of sheets on a bunk bed.

It is worth bearing in mind that not all bunk beds are suitable for the youngest children (under 5 years old), as the smallest children should sleep in the safest cot with rungs. Either way, for children aged 6 and above a bunk bed is a safe option.

Besides, it should be noted that not everyone can sleep on a bunk bed, because some people are afraid of heights.

Bunk beds have far more advantages than disadvantages 

In summary, bunk bed for kids have far more advantages than disadvantages. They are widely recognized as an excellent solution for a child’s room, especially when the room is small and is used by two siblings. Interestingly, most children like to sleep on bunk beds, because a bunk bed is a childhood dream come true. What’s very important – most bunk beds provide complete safety. As a result, parents should not worry about the safety of their children when they sleep on a bunk bed.

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